Hello loyal readers,
I'm sorry for the long lapse between posts. Sadly I had nothing much to say and better to say nothing in that case. Of course one might ask, why I had nothing to say about X or Y or Z and these are fair questions. To wit, I have no real answers. I'm doing my normal thing, though the mask rules and social distance stuff are personal pains. I've been yelled at when at the driving range for not wearing a mask. Well, there was no one within 100 yards, so it didn't seem important. But the range attendant was perhaps more knowledgeable than I.
Ok, so we have some election decisions to make in the near future and I thought I would pass on my handy voting thoughts.
Of course any right minded person would have to step up and vote for Kamala, whoops, I meant Joe Biden. Certainly a better choice over Donald Trump. Let me lay out the data for those who are not keeping close track.
There are a number of things that differentiate the candidates and let's look at them in turn.
Being Mean:
Shall we start with an easy one that we can all agree on? Trump is not presidential! He is rough and brutish and just plain impolite, particularly towards foreign governments that we are sending money too and helping to support and to his political opponents. Who can forget his jabs at Warren, who while claiming to be a native American for privilege and profit, seemed to be lacking in the actual DNA. But it was mean to call her names. Just not a good look for a President towards a Harvard lecturer - even if it's an open question that she should have been there. Also Trump likes hamburgers - which are named after a German city - perhaps a note of foreign influence?
Health and Fitness: Trump recently was found to be sick of the virus! Clearly this is an indication that he probably ought to retire and play golf. Joe on the other hand seems to be a vibrant guy who is dashing off around the country talking to the people, shaking hands, and thanking veterans for their service. (Editor's note, it is actually Trump who is running around the country. Joe is assumed to be at home.) Note that Trump's doctors have cured him in just a couple of days, but they are probably just saying that to get him out of the hospital. I heard he doesn't sleep much and is "too" active.
Stock Market: It could be argued that a president doesn't have much to do with the stock market. But I think reasonable people can blame this one on Trump. Yes, the markets are up and in a big way from the boring old days of the Obama administration, but this is not the whole picture. You have to look at the taxes! If your wealth increases, then your tax burden increases. Who is in favor of higher taxes? Which leads us to the next topic...
Tax plans. Trump has lowered the tax rates for most of us. Some folks with more money in their pockets might assume this is a good thing, but it really isn't. As Hillary and Bill Clinton once said, "We could have lowered taxes, but it wasn't clear that the public would spend the money correctly." But that was a long time ago, in a land far, far away. Biden has come out with his tax plan and it looks like the average household will have the honor of playing an additional $6500 per year in taxes. Clearly this is a forward looking view and worth signing up for. I'm sure the extra tax revenue will be used for the proper things and not passed on to crony capitalists who would run the programs.
Experience. Trump has said a number of times that he sounds funny because he is not a politician. Well, that ought to exclude him from office right there. We want politicians in office. They know what needs to be done and will jump right in there and clean up the problems immediately. Biden is well respected as a pol and has held office for over 45 years. What a wealth of knowledge and experience he has. And of course he's been fixing things for decades, so whatever minor problems that are left to cleanup (probably all Trump's doing anyways) he will know what to do and how to do them, if we just give him one more chance.
Which leads us to the international scene. Joe has been a traveling guy, particularly as the VP to Obama. He's been to China a bunch and the Ukraine numerous times. He has even brought his son with him to make friends and learn the family business. Now you don't get this from Trump. He has traveled before being president - built some golf course in Ireland for example. But now he tends to threaten foreign government and wants them to "pay their fair share" of things. That's not how it's done usually. The good old Uncle Sam is usually happy to reach for that check and that's how I want my tax payer dollars to be spent. Some wag suggested that the definition of foreign aid was, "Money taken from poor people in a rich country and given to rich people in a poor country." Obviously false -- we won't need a fact checker for that one!
Environmental Issues. Biden is famous for saying that he will not ban fracking and that he will ban fracking. You don't get that wishy washy stuff from Trump. He is pro fracking and pro oil. Clearly Biden is correct on this issue. The use of fossil fuels has ruined the country, fouled the air, poisoned the water supply, and allowed us to move about the country in our cars and, God forbid, large trucks. Shutting this down before the 6th or 7th great extinction is upon us is critical for life on earth. Oh, you can try and make the case that a warm house in the winter is a good thing or air conditioning is almost a right, but you would be wrong. We have to suffer and contract human activities if you want to save the Earth -- Biden is clearly on the right side of the history to be written on this issue.
Supreme Court Appointments: Even if Trump has the ability and obligation to appoint judges to vacancies in a number of courts, he is going about it the wrong way. He is once again upsetting folks and ignoring the dying wish of old Ruth, RIP. The Supreme court should be a political and legislative body. How else will things be decided if legislatures are too scared to act? And even if people vote down against some issue, the courts can legislate from the bench and fix things. It is only the short sighted person who wants a strict constructionist on Supreme Court. Activism is so much better as long as our side is in charge - which is another reason that Trump should not have put forth a pick. Once again he is following the law and being a meanie at the same time.
I'll bring up just one more point and then we can sit back and see what happens. The last point is minority employment and businesses. Trump has failed us in the the area as no president in history. Black unemployment was, pre-Covid, at historical lows. Which means it has never been lower. And why would we, nay, America, want something lower? I think that the Latino populations have this same problem. Why any of those groups would vote against their own self interests is another mystery.
Let me close here. I think I've made my case for a straight Democratic ticket. I hope Joe, when elected, will be healthy and happy. We've seen Kamala here in California and it wasn't a great experience. I'm sure she is better now. I wanted to bring up the peaceful demonstrations in a number of our cities, but that's just folks who can't stand Trump any longer and find that burning businesses and causing some minor issues makes them happier.
Finally, get out and vote! It's important. We have saying here in California, "Vote Early and Often!"