We are still speaking of golf at this point, but I have promised David C. to play some bridge on Friday. That will give me a couple of days off of golf and probably give me some bridge dreams -- or are they nightmares? Sometimes it's tough to tell.
I remember one bridge dream from 40 years ago: I was playing 3nt and was leading a suit to drive out the ace but no one would play it.
But golf... I mused to Steve, a fine golfer, that I would love to get to the point where the swing was solid and I could concentrate on really playing the game. For example playing shots where I wanted them based on strategy rather than hitting and hoping. Well, today it was really close to that. I had two crappy drives and shanked an 8 iron, but otherwise, I had all the control and confidence that I mused about some months ago. Bridge is a bit like that too, one would like to play without gross errors - harder than it seem to be.
So the last three rounds were 81, 79 and 77 today. Two birdies and a smooth 40, 37 for the nines. The front 9 has always been a problem, the back more of a pushover for me. Shooting 41, 36 is a not uncommon score for me.
The front has some water hazards and a tough par 3 that can lead to big scores. I had 2 doubles on the front, otherwise par for the remaining holes. The first is tough too as it requires a good tee shot - it's a iron without warming up usually - then a long iron over a pond, with water left. I've managed to par that sucker the last two or three times out. Life is good!
I'm still unhappy with my driver. But I am hitting irons like a minor deity - dead straight and getting most of my distance.
I believe the driver problem is a function of a poor back swing and lack of lower body to get the mess started. That gets my plane over the top and I've wildly sliced or hooked a few off of that. Every once in a while, it comes together and makes it all pretty easy. I just want to be in position when the hands come through rather than lurching around.
I've had runs of tap in pars. 4 holes or so that takes a lot of pressure off of the score. My putting has gotten quite good. I've worked on hitting the putts past the hole and concentrating on the tiny spot where I want to hit the ball. These tips seem to be keys. My direction is very good and I'm making a lot.
My chipping has improved as I am picking a landing spot and usually hitting it. Which spot to hit can be a challenge, but more success than not.
I'll play tomorrow. The driver sequence to be paramount.
So a funny story. When Jay and I played in LA at the Rancho something golf course, we got to 18 and Jay called me to the back tees. When I got there, there was a plaque with a story of Arnold Palmer and the 1935 LA Open. It seems Arnie hit a nice drive, then sliced two into the driving range and then hooked two onto the road bordering the course. After a two putt, Arnie recorded a smooth 12. I'm telling the story some of the old guys I played with on Monday.
It seem John O'Riley was there that day and saw Arnie score the 12. Small world.
So how did Jay and I do on this hole? Ah, we both parred it. Take that Arnie!
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