Dear reader(s), it is quite usual for me to pick up on some subtlety in re the golf swing during a round. Of course I don't file it away for future exploration, but try to use it. No one ever said I wasn't optimistic!
I felt some of the club lag or more properly hang and unhinge as the swing was approaching the hitting zone.
When I felt this and allowed it to happen, I found my ball flight to be higher and more carry. These are good things as I've come to the realization that my carry distances are 20 yards less than I thought.
The greens and course have been wet and soft and it was necessary to carry the ball all the way to the hole. I managed to spin back a 5 iron from the rough from about 150 yards.
In trying to accentuate the late in swing unhinge action, I find that I can bring the club down without any hand input to the direction of the club handle - in other words, don't try to manipulate the shaft at all.
That leads to a down swing that is more compact and feels more in control that an early uncock and casting movement.
Is all this really happening? Ah, an interesting question. I think I'll drop over to the range and do some testing.
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