Friday, March 3, 2017

Back on the Course! 3/3/17

I've been traveling and northern California has been collecting rain.  At least my little corner of it.

I returned to the course today and noted some very interesting high tide lines around the parking lot and the restaurant.

Various bushes along the creek had flotsam in very high branches.  There were pumpkins along the creek bed, many, many plastic bottles and at least three coolers that were collected by the floods.

I was told that the parking lots were 4 inches deep in mud and water.  The sewer grate where I like to park, and where I think about dropping keys down it, is fully packed with mud.  No longer 6 feet deep, it's at 0.

But we are not here to talk of the weather!  Back to golf and its propensity to cause mental anguish.

I was trying a few things, as what else is new, and I tried to pull down from a back swing position and pull down hard.  Aiming at a spot about 2 feet to the rear of my right foot.  Amazingly I still managed to hit the ball and hit it well.

I think this effort caused a couple of things to happen: I didn't slide forward to hit the ball, and it helped to keep the wrists cocked until the area of impact.

I managed a very nice 5 iron and 6 irons on the 18th, a par 5 and ended the day with a par.

I'll have time at the range to play with this tomorrow.

Now this technique is not unknown to the rest of the world, but it's the first time I tried it.  It was nice to swing hard and the solidity of the hits were an added bonus.

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