Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Last Trip Out

On Fridays I've been laying with some of my older golf buddies and they like to play from the forward tees.

This is fine with me; I leave the driver in the bag for most of the holes.

I managed to get to one under par with the difficult 9th to go.  Hit an ok tee shot, but left the next short from the rough with minor tree trouble.

I hit it a bit thin and came up short.  That followed by a too short pitch - a common problem that day, and a missed putt for an even par 36.  It would have been nice to make the turn under par.  I've done  it before, but it was decades ago.

The back nine was nothing spectacular, two over 38, though after a few more thin shots I started to get my lower body moving more aggressively.  That helped with balance and the strike.  I like that action along with a longer back swing.  I may drop away from the experimentation and work on getting more consistent.  Of course there are just a couple of things I saw on YouTube...

I was hitting them fairly close on occasion and made 3 birdies for the day.  That's 7 for the last two rounds.  I'm not used to that.  Makes it easier to come back from the odd error.

I've got a day off from the course tomorrow.  There is a bathroom ceiling that needs a touchup, but I may make it to the range.

My new custom putter has come in and I'm anxious to give it a trial.  It feels good, the new length and lie seem to be very comfortable.

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