Friday, January 4, 2019


It's been a while.  Sorry I've not had that much to talk about.  Golf is on going and I'm working on different things.  Some of which I can do and some of which works.

On the whole it's getting better.  Though the weather is getting colder.  That's been making it more a chore than a joy to be out.  There have been a couple of frost delays.  The new shoes are keeping the feet dry, but I'm thinking that insulated golf shoes may have a market.

The weather is going to change of course; rain not cold.  Rumor is that there will 3 to 5 days of rain starting tomorrow.  That seems like a lot and as Yogi Berra used to say, "prediction is hard, especially about the future."

The local course has dried out quite nicely.  I assumed that they were doing it in preparation for the rains or just to give the grass a rest.  It seems that is not the case.  I was talking to one of the guys (I'm very friendly with them, not just because they do a good job and I appreciate that, but they also find a lot of golf balls and some of those filter to me!) and he mentioned that all the guys who keep the sprinkler systems running are taking their annual vacation in Mexico!  So no water until they come back.  My friend has mentioned that the guys don't mess around with vacations.  There is none of that "a day here and a day there."  They take off for a month.  But it won't matter in re the course due to storms.

I've mentioned to Barb that I was not inspired recently to write the posts.  She suggested making it a humor blog. 

That is a lot more difficult that droning through golf techniques, but I have written some humorous stuff in the past and I think I could do it.  But I'm feeling lazy and I'm not sure I want to work that hard.  Retirement can be that way.

Speaking of funny stuff, I ran across a Youtube channel by a guy called This Old Tony.  He makes things out of metal and his videos talk about technique and equipment and how to do things.  Tony has been doing this for a number of years.  He has 50 odd videos in his channel.  The early ones are a bit boring, but at some point he hit his stride and has incorporated a lot of humor and sight gags in his presentations.  He is very funny and even if you don't want to make a fly cutter, they are worth the watch.

He uses his young child, "Dad, I need a Shword Sword!"  and the family kitten to act as foils.  He is quite clever and amusing.  I'm not sure what his background is.  He is very verbal, knows his way around the gear and has passing knowledge about a lot of other stuff.  He was not a professional machinist.  But I think he was pretty good at whatever it was. 

I've been watching a lot of his videos.  I'm nervous that I'll run through them all.

Rich II, fellow golfer, has mentioned a new author, Vince Flynn.  He has a CIA operative as a protagonist, Mitch Rapp.  I'm listening to one in the car and I'm reading another.  I like the style of writing.  There is a lot of action and it's not over done with jargon.  I can't recommend them yet, but I'm pretty happy with what I've read so far.  A lot of books spin up well, but resolution is another factor.   Not as wordy as the Jack Reacher books, less humor than the Brian Haig books.

I'll know more in a couple of days.  Even sooner if the rains come.

That's all for now.  Barb is right, I need a new direction for this blog.  Humor is a thought and I will mull that over.  There are other blogs already written if you click on my profile, there is a list there.

Until next time...

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