Friday, April 3, 2020


Hello fans,

I had an interesting walk down memory lane with watching of the 1980 Masters tournament on

Seve wins in a bit of a walk over.  It was fun seeing all the players when they were skinny.  It was the time before the food pyramid fattened us all up.  Seve was 23, everyone had the huge billed Amana type golf hats on.

The first 30 minutes of the video was without any announcers.  That was pleasant, but some graphics would have been nice.   A number of the players I didn't recognize and the cameras didn't provide a lot of close ups.  Arnie and Jack and The Black Knight were in the field and they were on camera a couple of holes. 

Coverage started at the 11th and then was a bit spotty through the rest of the course.  All in all it was a nice watch and if you're a bit starved for the Masters this year, there are a lot of the broadcasts on YouTube.

Plumbing news:  the wash machine seems to be leak proof at this point and it and the dryer have been moved back to their customary positions.  The sink however is playing hard ball and there is a minor seep that looks like it will produce about 2 drops a day.  I have to do some testing to see which of the three ports on the fixture are leaking.  It's the hot water port and it feeds the faucet and dishwasher. 

It's still cold here.  I saw a prediction that most of the country was getting some last winter weather; I can't complain about what is going on here, but I wish it were warmer. 

I'm still hitting rubber golf balls at the school.  I'm happy with what I'm trying to do, I'd like to confirm on actual balls at some point.  Even if the Feds lift the shelter in place rules, I wonder if California and the local governments will follow suit.  They do tend to be a bit crazy out here.

Interesting point to ponder is that California had about the same number of virus cases as New York at one point, but the number of cases in NY exploded and have been barely a blip here. 

Hang in there folks!

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