Thursday, July 23, 2020

Mendocino Part 1

We are on the road, so don't loot the house please!  Friends have offered their RV for a week and we are up at the POMO campground which is a couple of miles south of Fort Bragg. 

I'm not sure I'll have a lot of earth moving news to report, but Barb just asked if "Was that an earthquake?"  "No, just an RV backing up."  

It is just less than four hours to get up here from Pleasanton.  The traffic was light with it being Thursday and all the virus going around.  Technically I think we have to self quarantine  when we get back.  No one will report us, yes?  Actually everyone up here is masking and we will probably interact with less people here than at home on the pickleball court. 

The towns along the coast do not extend much past the water,.  We are probably one half mile from it now.  The town of Fort Bragg extends about four blocks inland from the highway, which is usually the closest thing to the water.   

Lots of stores and shops here are shuttered.  I'm sure the flu didn't help the economics and tourists are a large source of income.   Add in the seasonality of it all and I'd guess some businesses just slipped away.

We had some food from Safeway for a late lunch.  Chicken off the rotissery, some Genoa salami, fruit and a pork bun for Barb washed down with some diet coke.  

We've both had some sinus issues and headaches the last couple of days, so a siesta seems in order. The last 30 miles getting here is a twisty road - - not much snoozing at the wheel for the stretch from Willett to Fort Bragg. 

OK, we are here and settled in a bit.  I'll publish and leave you all hanging for the excitement of tomorrow's post!

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