Saturday, March 17, 2018

Not Much Happening

Fans, the weather has turned cold and wet.  I deal with either one OK, but put them together and I'd rather pass on playing.

Got out on Monday and Tuesday.  Got wet on Tuesday and have not played since and it's Saturday. 

I've been to the range a couple of times and the golf shop once.  But generally just some chipping and pitching and then the sky clouds up and the sprinkles start and I'd rather be inside.

I was at the golf shop since my putter cover has lost its form.  There are seams that look like they've never been finished and the closure magnets got loose and when I replaced and glued them, don't seem to want to work.

I've got some neoprene and I'm ready to make my own. 

My game feels ok.  I'm playing with a change to my chipping that seems to work very well.  I saw a training aid at the golf shop and there was a diagram on the back relating how one put it to use, which would promote the proper pitching body motion.  I can do that!  And it worked. 

I borrowed the second edition of Gallwey's Inner Game of Golf.  I was expecting to just skim this and then return it, but the little bit I read intrigued me enough to purchase the book.  I'll pass on thoughts when I've put more time into reading it.

Golf is scheduled for Monday.  It looks like the cold will not be lifting and the course might be muddy.  It has that propensity as it serves as the town's overflow flood plane. 

The car was stinking and it was my rain jacket.  Washed everything and put one of the cute air fresheners on an air vent.  Scent was "Fresh Linen," so we'll see how that goes.  Found it at the dollar store. 

How about that Tiger?  It's nice to see him playing well.  Makes the tv shows interesting.  When he was absent I barely watched anything but the majors.

Happy St. Pat's day to one and all.

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