Saturday, July 21, 2018

Pulling the Chain

A number of great players were told to pull down on the club.  The image was not always about pulling or ringing the bell or getting the hands to beat the chest to the ball, but it amounts to the same thing.

Yesterday I was able to do this.  It is a feeling that I'm not familiar with!  I saw a player's discussion of the right hand action and how it pushes the club down into the ground (for compression - but I have more to say about that) as the left hand begins to rise.

I don't think the hand actions are quite correct, but the feeling of it might be accurate.  I try this a bit and it looks like it will be useful for the short game.

When I try out new things, I always try to apply it to all the strokes.  This seemed to be applicable for long irons, woods and the driver.

But if you are trying to push the club into the ground, then the path of the club needs be different.  This is where that pull down the club stuff comes in.  Because you have to be pulling down outside your right leg.  How does the club get around the "corner" and to the ball?  Kind of a miracle it seems, but it seems to work!

This worked quite well.  My distance didn't seem to change, I was as straight as normal -- and that is awfully  straight -- but the shots were coming out lower. 

I'm going to embrace this new club path.  I want to play a bit with ball position as that might get the ball higher in the air.

I'm pretty excited by this.  I was able to hit the driver and I could see the fear in my opponents' eyes as the ball would boom out there.  A drive to go with my iron game would be a bit scary.

Ok, that is all for now.  Hopefully wonderful things to come and maybe move the game to a new level, which seems doable.

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