I've gone through all of the old stuff, you may be happy to learn. There is The Ballad of Marty, but it was printed on thermal paper and is in pretty bad shape. Too bad, as it was pretty good as I remember.
Marty was hired by Nuclear Data and worked in the service department. He had terminals for sale. These were the days before we all had terminals on our desks and if you purchased your own, you didn't have to share and could get more work done. Sounds strange these days when two or three monitors on a desk top are normal.
Now Marty had them for a good price. Monochrome of course as the color guys had not come out yet.
Sadly, the prices were too good. It seems that they were not Marty's to sell and at some point it was found out. The terminals were collected and so was Marty. This, per rumor, was not his first bout with the law. Away everything went and we never saw the terminals or Marty again.
So we must return to golf until the next bit of interruption arrives.
It is Monday as I type this and it was a play day. Which is good because otherwise we are working major miracles in the garage and it would "have killed a normal man," if I may quote Nuclear Bob. I have all these small stomach bruises due to carrying heavy, pointy objects that wanted to puncture me. They did not, but they left their attempts plainly on view. No bare middriff outfits for awhile I am afraid.
It's been hot and I am glad to escape to the great outdoor for a day. Of course upon return I am back in the garage killing spiders and spackling and sanding. I'm currently drenched in sweat and have retreated to the cool of the indoors.
The usual Monday group teed off about 9, which is usual. It was a slow day, though we are getting spoiled as it didn't take much over 4 hours.
My goal was to hit the longer clubs with same effort and long swing path as the short ones. I own the short ones and there has been diminishing returns in re distance as I move to the longer clubs. My current theory is that I am trying to help the long clubs. I hit the shorter ones with the confidence of a high priest; cool and serene that distance will be proper and the line laser like.
This pretty much worked. (Have I used those lines before? Yes, and too often it seems!) I hit the ball more solidly than I ever have. Now, this did not lead to an incredible score. The front was a mess as a couple of lines were wrong. I hit it into a pond. Some of the shots were too long. But a lot of then were very well behaved.
That led to another observation. I was not carrying a full wrist cock into a lot of shots. If one swings too quickly things that happen are that backswings are not completed and the wrist cock can also suffer.
Once that was addressed I picked up more yardage. I was getting off the tee about 10 yards longer than normal. It was all going straight as well.
I shot one over on the back nine with just a few one putts. I was getting to the greens quite easily. This is pretty exciting for me and I look forward to incorporating it into my game.
I've decided that technically I'm comfortable and I'm going to work on consistency for a bit.
The problem with shooting low scores and having no disasters is that the round is not remarkable. Pars pile up and GIRs are common and then it's over. It devolves into a putting contest, which is ok. My putting was quite good today. No three putts and I didn't miss any short ones. I finish a round and can't remember much about it. I think part of that is when it's going well you don't think much as you are playing. All the shots are normal and no heroic actions are required. Can be boring, but I'll see if I can't tread that path for a while.
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