The majors have started for this year. This is always a good thing as it heralds in the better weather and watching the Masters in high def with my hand on the remote, to avoid commercials and interviews, is a pleasure. What I'd really like to have is a way to selectively mute certain announcers. The Jim Nances of golf are driving me to three putt.
I cautioned Barb that it was Masters weekend and that I might be fairly busy. It is, as it happens, also a busy quilting weekend -- no conflicts!
I don't remember ever watching the Masters with my dad. I do remember watching a few British Opens with him. We always found the gorse and heather and guys having to hack out of trouble to be most interesting. The scenery and Henry Longhurst added to the shows. This is one of the things about golf that have stuck with me over the years. I have gotten up very early to watch the Open before we had recorders and such. I'd be wrapped in a blanket, trying to stay awake, and looking into a small tv.
I played with the gang on Thursday and Sonny had some things to say about my swing. It seems that I have three different swings based on which club I'm using. I believe this for a couple of reasons. The amount of yardage I get out of the clubs declines as I hit the longer ones. My short irons are long and long irons are short. Clearly there were differences going on.
Sonny had suggestions and I'm working to incorporate them. I'm trying to be more discipined in re my back swing and shoulder turning. Sonny also pushed for a different backswing position where it feels to me like I'm getting behind my right leg when I take it back. It feels that I'm about 30 degrees off of being perpendicular to the target line. But when I swing down from there, it keeps me from going both left and right.
I played today and tried to follow Sonny's advice. I think that I'm doing a lot of it. I hit irons very, very well. The driver was still erratic, but the misses were better than my usual misses. It looks like distance is up for all the clubs. Shots are going higher too.
I'll keep working on the changes. Sonny and I have some tentative plans to get together and pursue the new swing further.
The curious thing about golf swing "changes" is that when I look for the new positions or motions I can see the pros doing them. But until I knew what to look for, I never saw them. I always wonder what else I can't see. The physical aspects of the golf swing ought to be fairly simple, I would think. I also believe that maybe it isn't and all the guys and gals who hit it "pro" length figured how to do it and taught themselves. They may not know how they do it, but they can do it. All of this is of great interest to me, but frustrating when I can't seem to get things to improve.
Ok, that's all for now, enjoy the Masters!
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