It was a busy week. Got out twice on Monday, took Tuesday off, then played Wednesday through Friday. Then some pitch and putt Friday night and some putting challenge, bridge, and pickleball, again on Friday to round out a busy week. Oh, I did get to the range on Tuesday...
On Monday afternoon I played with Sonny and Walt over at a course called Monarch Bay. I've played it before but probably 25 years ago. I remembered next to nothing of the place. I did manage to rise to the occasion and was almost perfect around the greens. The longest up/down putt was probably 5 feet and I dropped with elan.
Of course, because golf is what it is, the next day I couldn't chip to save anyone's soul, much less my own.
There are developments in rest of the game, your reporter should pass on. The long game is getting better, albeit slowly. I had a very nice day at the range today and I'm working on getting my hands higher and closer to my head, aka, more upright. And, this is the important bit, make sure the lower body is stabilized before doing anything drastic with the upper body. It's that old conundrum of swinging slowly to hit the ball further. With the proper sequence of events the ball was going higher with all the clubs, club ball contact was very good, and directional control was all that anyone would want.
So the answer going forward is to be more patient while swinging. It's hard to do not being much of an athlete. Repetition and meditation are probably all that are required. The golfers' monastery has openings...
Brexit... I've long thought that the British were ready for self rule. Sadly it seems that the people in "control" don't think so and have been blocking the exit from the EU. A nation that once ruled large parts of the world are now bowing to their unelected overlords in Belgium.
And today I read that the Labour Party has officially declared that the world is in the midst of a "climate emergency." It seems that the 14 year old Greta Thunberg from Sweden was so convincing that it was going on; dear Greta actually skipped some school to drive home her point! She pointed out that in school they were shown pictures of starving polar bears! If that is not evidence that should awaken all nations, even those thousands of miles away, well, there probably just isn't any.
It seems that Greta wasn't told that all polar bears die of starvation. If you are the apex predator you live very nicely until you can't eat anymore. But, no, it must be due to too many cars on the M5 freeway. So the Labour party will want to get right on this and do what governments do when confronted with an emergency, and that is of course to raise taxes and restrict freedoms.
I don't know what the area of the UK is to that of the world. I do know that the US area is about one percent of the earth's surface. I suspect that the UK area is a bit smaller, it is not 4000 miles across for example. How much emergency will be averted by any action of the UK? Even if we were to scrape the UK free of all human beings, could we even measure the difference? I don't think so... But seeing that we haven't measured any emergency yet, it's kind of a mute point...
Oh and in this dangerously warming world, we are expecting snow this week in Chicago... And we are expecting maybe 8 inches. I lived there for 30 years and I don't think I saw snow in late April. I just checked and it seems that the last time it snowed over an inch was in 1940. There were some in May 1966, less than an inch, so it was in my time line, but not in my memory.
Here's my prediction in re climate: the next choke point of the human race is the next ice age, not some run away warming that is the current rage. Might see it in the next 30 years too. There are some Russian scientists that are expounding on this point.
Ok, that's about all for this post. Lot's of exciting things going on. I'm looking forward to the Democratic primaries; lots of excitement there!
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