Monday, July 15, 2019

Driver Report

The on-running theme is the intense hatred my driver has for me.  I took it to the range a couple of times this weekend.  Even hit the big bucket, 150 balls, and almost all of those were with the driver.  Maybe if I cave in the face my problems will be over?  
It did go well at the range and I have a new 12 step process to hit the perfect drive.  I was excited to give it a go today.
"How did it go?" you ask.  Well there is kind of a funny story to that.  I pull out the driver for the 350 yard fifth hole, which is a problem child for me.  It's awfully easy to end up in the bunkers to the right if the tees are back and if the tees are up, the bunker on the left.  Today the tees were up and I'm determined to use the big club.  I take my time and get my ball position correct and then a bit of body tilt, the arms a bit forward.  I'm thinking of a nice turn around my body and then a nice, smooth rotation back while leaving the spine just where it is...  And, golly, it actually happens!  The drive is just a touch to the left, bounces over the toe of the left bunker.  It leaves me 90 to a front pin.  So it wasn't 250 or 240, but maybe 230 and in play and a lot better than 180 under a bush.  It even sounded good and was way up in the air.  My golf buddies were envious.

90 yards is a nice smooth sandwedge and I pull it out and I'm still smooth and thinking good thoughts and I hit it.  A fairly good hit.  But, what's this?  It's gone over the green and over the green side trap, hits the bunker bank and then spins back into the bunker.  Now, I'm confused.  Do I need to recalibrate all the irons?  

I wander up with the wedge in hand.  Grab putter, leave bag and get into the bunker.  Now, I must mention that the last trip around Wente, I was in 4 green side bunkers and got it up and down every time.  So I'm not too worried about this bunker shot.  I get over it and for some reason decide to take a closer look at the club I've got.  Well, it's not a sandwedge, it's the pitching wedge.  Ooops, kind of explains the extra 20 yards on the last shot. I'm too lazy to go to the bag and get the right club.  So I splash it out, but it's long.  I chip back and sink the putt.  Well, I guess a good drive isn't everything!

Being a systems kind of guy, I'm thinking that marking the faces of the wedges might be a good idea...  Ah, well.

When the smoke cleared it was a 75 today, no birdies and 26 putts.  I was flopping like the best of them.  I hit a couple of good drives, but still a couple of duds.  But I think my approach is ok and will bear fruit as I repeat my changes.  Lunch at Costco to complete the morning.

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