I've been under the weather a couple of days and even walked off the course after 9. I didn't stop at Costco and have a hot dog or yogurt!
I was talking to my buds today and one of the others got sick too.
My big fear is that the water coolers on the course are contaminated! I don't think they are, but what a disaster that would be.
Jay and I played at a course in North Carolina and they had no water on the course. It's hot there. We were told some guy sued for waterborne illness and the course said, ok, no more water. Die from dehydration either way, I guess. We needed to stop at Walmart for a case of water bottles and tossed them in the back of the car then cart. What a pain.
Thought II: ran across a video that made the point that we overly complicate golf and golf instruction. His evidence for this was that a golf club in the only tool we give to someone and then tell them how to hold it and where their right elbow should go and how much hip turn is needed.
Better might be: take this and hit that.
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