Monday, April 16, 2018

Reminded Me of The Gog Magog

It was a dark and stormy round...  Got rained on three times and hailed on once.

Not sure I've putted through hail before.  It didn't last long.

It was cool too and the wind was light about 5 mph.  The sun came out for a few minutes.  "Is that my shadow I see?" ask Rich II.

It was, but it didn't last.

Rich II forwent the traditional hotdog as he was soaked and just wanted to get home and get dry.

I think we were the only groups on the course.

I was trying the new putting routine and trying to swing the club and let my hands free wheel through the swing.

The long game was fine and quite fine in parts, but the putting was an adventure.  I was hitting it pretty firmly and my lines were not that good.  It seemed that a lot of putts became quite straight as I was deliberately upping my speeds.

I'm not convinced either way on the putting.  I like some of parts, it seems simpler, but I was putting pretty well before I started on this.

I hit some wonderful little delicate pitches allowing my hands to slide into the ball without direction.  I did have some problems hitting a couple of sand shots, they came out short of what I wanted.  The sand was wet and compact, but I'm not convinced that was the issue.  Maybe hitting the sand a bit too early.

More golf tomorrow and hopefully it will be warmer and drier.

I see that I've not explained the title of the post.  The Gog Magog golf course is in Cambridge, England, where David is a member.  I got to play it a couple of times when we visited.  The rains would come through and soak us for 3 minutes, disappear for 30 and then try again.  Gear on, gear off.  I nice memory, but it would have been better in the dry!

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