Thursday, March 19, 2020

Day 4, Perhaps

In any case, it is Thursday.

We had some sun today and it's close to 50.  I did some software for the Quilt guild this morning and then I took a golf club and some rubber balls over to the school yard.  It's about a block away and they have a portion of the grounds mowed.  That's important if I don't want to lose any balls!  Well, they are a $1 each, one must be prudent.

And there were people about.  Walking dogs and just walking and some kids on skateboards.  There was some vehicular traffic and it seemed like a quiet afternoon and nothing just short of the end of the world.

But, we are getting low on two buck Chuck Merlot.  It not forbidden on my diet and, well, it's always 4pm somewhere as my dad used to say.  I'm running low on nuts too, so it may be a trip to Trader Joe's later for a stock up.

Otherwise it is fairly normal.  The sun felt good and when I got back I spent a bit more time doing a bit of bathing in it.  The investigation in the diet I'm on has led to some interesting material.  One researcher was talking about vitimine D and how that was a real good thing to have.  He was asked about UVA issues.  UVB is what drives the body's production of D in the skin layers.  His answer was that he thought that UVA was also probably useful and beneficial in the proper doses.  Sure enough I ran across another research who was looking at that and if I remember correctly, UVA seems to create antioxidants, another important portion of the body's defense structure.  Don't burn, mind you, but 10 minutes a day seems to be a real good idea. 

We are going to make a bacon, cheese, and asparagus fritata for dinner.  We made one before and ate it for days.  It made a good dinner and worked well for lunches too.

There were announcements of some drugs that seem to be effective in re the current virus.  They are common and used for other things, but seem to be safe and to work.  There maybe some reasonable therapies in the near term.

Tasks ahead: One of Barb's friends wants a quilting turning -- a small seam flattener, I'm waiting for the garage to get warmer before I tend to that.  Also the wash machine has some kind of leak and I want to take a look at that.  My back is a bit testy so I'm not looking forward to strange positions, but these machines don't have a lot to them and it might just be a minor issue.

That's all folks!

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