Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday, day 7, I Think

Not a bad day at the house.  Did some trimming outside.  The weather was nice.  I would have liked more sun.  It's still cool for this time of the year.

The garage was getting full again, so we pitched some cardboard boxes and did some organizing and now there is room for the bikes and walking again.

We had pork chops again with some stir fried asparagus pieces and sauted mushrooms.  We used a vegetable spice mix on the mushrooms and that was very nice.  Enough salt to  really make the flavors shine.  Barb had added some lemon, but it didn't register with me.   All in all the food we're eating is a real step up from the usual. 

I read a post about how the virus might not be any big deal and I ran with that.  It got stomped down, not sure on fully technical grounds, but enough to have it pulled from  I suggested to my pickleball people that I would come out and play if there was interest.  That didn't go over very well either. 

We both went for a bike ride today before dinner and before the rains came.  It's been three hours and the rains are still not here.  What's up with that? 

So we are still in place and have not gone shopping for awhile.  We have pounds of food still to cook.  I'd like to pick up a few things, but no real necessities.  Tuesday is seniors' day at the market, so we might try that then.

Reading, various Hallmark Mysteries on the tube, the odd jaunt out in the yard has been the order of the day.  I broke out the metal detector and found 5 coins in the yard.  So I'm 51 cents up on the day!

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