Monday, March 16, 2020

Shelter in Place

The whole area is now under a shelter in place order.  Wente, a high end course, has closed.  Probably others.  It seems to be essential services only.

Barb and I went shopping today to pick up a few things as we are supposed to be shutdown for three weeks.

The store wasn't real busy, but there were a lot of empty shelves.  They had Coke and even their generic cola, which can be rare in the best of times.  No toilet paper and limited paper towels.  The check out gal said that if one came by in the morning, you could get TP.

Barb bought some Donuts, powered sugared, of course.  The gal in line in front of us has some too along with a fifth of Jack Daniels.

It looks like we have enough food and stuff.  Bought a ham and some corned beef and we have lots of eggs.  Father used to say, "The definition of eternity is one ham and only two people to eat it."  We'll see!

Stocks took another beating today.  As long as all this doesn't last too long, I can't see it as a permanent condition.  The economy will come back and the market will rise.  Now there is also an oil war going on.  The barrel price is about $30 and the gas prices around here are coming down. 

So maybe this is a short, bumpy ride.  It's too soon to tell, of course.

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